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We’ll be with you as you make your new best friends and find your way around. We have programs specifically to help transfer students make connections on campus.
Get a free transfer brochure, and explore your options!
Who we are
The University of Lynchburg is a place where you can grow into more of who you are and more of who you want to be — whenever you arrive.
Lexi Christie
Transfer student
Biology major
"Lynchburg has a funny way of revealing your own strengths of you without your even noticing. Suddenly, you realize you are changing into the person you always wanted to be."
Dr. Sabita Manian
Professor of International Relations and Political Science
"I want my students to figure out how they can build bridges across human-made divides and to provide them with the tools they need for humane problem-solving and rights-oriented conflict resolution."
University of Lynchburg | 1501 Lakeside Drive |Lynchburg, VA 24501-3113| 434.544.8100